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To proceed with booking pease read our park conditions.


Flanagan Reserve is a family orientated park. We understand these camp conditions may not suit all campers who may need to consider alternate options. If you are unable to follow these rules you may be asked to leave our family friendly park.



8:00am - 6:00pm (Sunday-Thursday)

8:00am-6:00pm (Saturday)

8:00am - 8:00pm (Friday)

(Hours will be extended during peak times)

If you are arriving outside these hours please call to make an alternative arrangement


Checking in:

  • All campers MUST check in at the office before continuing to a campsite
  • Visitors are welcome but must also check into the office before continuing
  • Onsite Management 24/7
  • Management is available 24 hours a day in the event of an emergency (0456999241)


Flanagan Reserve Bush Camping

Camp Conditions

If there is an issue after office hours, please call A/H: 0456 999 241        

and leave a message, we will require your camping section                    

(from map provided) and stay by your phone, management will call you.

Flanagan reserve is one of the Scenic Rim Regional Council Camping Reserve’s and managed by Trevor & Patrick Payne and their families. We want you to benefit from the beauty and tranquility that this reserve has to offer, we have a few simple rules that are in place, and we ask for the rules to be followed to ensure everyone has a happy camping experience.


  • The Reserve is surrounded by private property so please have full respect for these landowners by staying within our boundaries.

  • All vehicle owners must allow management to place car stickers to their windscreen if required.

  • No excessive noise at any time, no Music after 8pm (AT ALL) limited noise at 9pm, Strictly no noise after 10pm please always respect your camp neighbours.

  • Chemical toilets can now be emptied in our “DUMP POINT” Not toilets, please ensure you leave it clean (with the hose provided) ready for the  next camper

  • No whip cracking at any time.

  • No cutting down of logs, trees, or branches dead or alive Strictly no chainsaws within the Reserve.

  • Soaps, shampoo, detergent etc are not to be used in the river.

  • Small campfires are permitted with our fire drums (subject to fire bans) no rubbish to be left in the drum on departure, please leave the ash in the drum, we empty the drums.

  • All rubbish to be bagged and placed in the rubbish disposal area.

  • Place recyclables 10c items, cans, bottles and plastics in their own bag and place in dispose area.

  • No unlicensed driving or unregistered vehicles permitted.

  • No motorised bikes or other vehicles are permitted for pleasure riding within the Reserve.

  • All vehicles must be driven no faster than walking pace 8kmh within the Reserve.

  • No camping or fires permitted over the riverbank at any time.

  • Children 12 Yrs and under must be supervised by a responsible adult at the Amenities block.

  • Alcohol to be consumed in moderation within our park, including down at the river.

  • No diving or jumping in from trees or swimming after dark for your own safety, swimmers beware as the Logan River does have submerged rocks and logs.

Do not remove any rocks from the river or the riverbank, no rock walls to be built in the river, any person found defacing the river rocks will be reported to the relevant authorities.                                                                                                                              


Pet Owners


  1. All dogs are to be restrained at all times, at your own camp, walking around the park and by the river. Any camper not abiding by these rules may be asked to take their pet home (with no refund given)

  2. All droppings to be placed in plastic bags and disposed of at our disposal points


Dangerous - Vicious Dogs are not permitted on the reserve at any time

(Management Discretion)


Generator Uses

Quiet generators are permitted providing the generator is left at your own campsite when in operation, they are not to be placed behind trees nearby or behind your own camp for other campers to hear, if your generator is too loud for you, it is certainly too loud for everyone else.


Generator Operating Times

From 9am until 11am and from 4.30pm until 7pm STRICTLY

Any person requiring additional times must speak with Management.



Please be aware of the following hazards that can be dangerous and cause injury to persons and / or equipment.

  • Rocks and boulders and uneven surfaces

  • Falling Trees / Branches.

  • Swimming in the river particularly when the river level has risen after rainfall.

  • Walking around without a torch after dark.

  • The entire reserve is a shared zone for Vehicles, pedestrians, and Bicycles.

           PLEASE NOTE: These are only some of the risks that may occur.

       During storms or severe weather conditions including wind, there is an increased risk of     

       Tree damage, please keep clear of trees and seek protection in open areas away from


We want campers to visit this reserve for peace and natural beauty that it has to offer


By clicking "BOOK NOW" I have read and understand the park conditions





135 Flanagan Reserve Road

Barney View QLD 4287


07 5544 3128

0456 999 241


Office hours:

Sun-Thu: 8am - 6pm

Fri: 8am - 8pm

Sat: 8am - 6pm


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